We Bet You Didn’t Know The Reason Why Foods Are So Costly In Theatres!

Have you ever been to a movie but returned without having any food or beverages at the interval? No right? Well, you aren’t alone! This is the case with everybody. Everyone feels that the movie is incomplete without having some crunchy popcorn and delicious snacks with it.
However, you must have eaten plenty of foods, but at the same time, definitely complained about the high prices of those food items, didn’t you? Well, there are some practical reasons behind these exorbitant prices and we bet you didn’t know them!

90 percent profit goes to the pockets of production companies!

Yes, 90 percent of profits from ticket sales goes to the pocket of the production companies. So what are multiplexes supposed to do? To make up for their investment, they have only one option left, that is increase cost of food items.
Update – We received an email from anonymous user claiming percentage of distribution is 50:50. We are still verifying it with official sources and will update this article accordingly.

Who would make up for the investment made for food stalls?

Usually, there are 3rd party contractors who rent these food stalls and obviously the prices are too high. So who is going to make up for this? Yes, it is us and we will do it by buying some high-priced coke and popcorn tubs.

Yes! The ‘customer’ himself is responsible

If you can afford a 400rs ticket in the red lounge, can’t you afford a coke worth Rs.120? Well, the theaters know you well.

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