Shocking: Ola Taxi Tried To Overcharge This Customer In Bangalore And Got Caught Red Handed

OLA  has been the most used cab these days and preferred by many of us for transportation purposes. But what we don't know or not aware of is, they do cheat in very subtle ways, that it goes unnoticed by most of us.

Just by looting small amount of money from a huge load of people travelling by them, they would have been taking away our money silently.

And here is a proof of one such act by them, complained boldly by a passenger.
Chandan Raut, was travelling from Forum Mall to Banglore Airport to catch a flight to Mumbai. He was charged Rs 919 as shown by the driver's app. But Chandan felt this was some wrong calculation and told the driver he wouldn't be paying this amount.

The diver informed Chandan to contact Ola customer care, as they are responsible for the fare calculations. When he contacted them, and asked for the justification of their fare, they accepted that there is some glitch in their app and readily reduced the fare from Rs 919 to Rs 769.

What Chandan tries to tell us all here is, many of us travel to places with little time in hand. Once we reach the destination, we hurriedly pay the fare the driver tells us and leave. We do not check for the exact quotations of our ride and  calculate the right amount.

And by this, Ola has taken advantage and uses techniques to loot people of their money. It's just a small difference, but doing that to so many people at a time, makes a huge difference nonetheless!

The following was his calculation and it seems fairly true when we look at it..
"1- the distance I travelled was 41 km but drivers app was showing 45 km.
2- there's no Toll to enter the airport from city but drivers app was showing ₹ 80
3- the travel time in drivers app was 93 minutes but Ola invoice has travel time of 72 minutes
4- the total difference is of ₹ 150 & you can multiply that by thousands of customers travelling every day, week, months & years."

This seems fair enough to show the statistical analysis and proofs for showing the wrong invoicing of Ola.

We hope this article was informative to many and at least from now on everyone takes a look before paying the bill and be safe from losing their money.

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