14 Irresistible Things That Women Love About Men

Men — we love them. Like really, really love them. We can’t live without them and we certainly don’t want to. We enjoy all of the little things they do that make them so much hotter.

If you’re single and waiting for the woman of your dreams, here are a few things that can help you attract her effortlessly.

1. Their Physique. 

Yep, we said it. Even the scrawny hipster-types have biceps that make us swoon. Their hands are almost always bigger than ours. No matter what size a guy is, he can always make us feel small and delicate. And what's with those beautiful, provocative veins guys have on their arms? And facial hair - Beard! Sure, it gets scratchy, but it looks so darn sexy.

2. Their way of understanding things we can't. 

We hate having to rely on anyone but ourselves but, sometimes it's just easier to ask him to take care of it. We always ask him to carry heavy objects up the stairs (that's mainly because of laziness; we're perfectly capable), hang pictures and kill large, scary bugs. Though after that time he pretended to throw that bug carcass at us and we screamed like a 5-year-old girl, we might not ask him again.

3. Their secret sensitive side. 

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When a guy cries in front of you, it can feel as if you've won the emotional lottery. Tears are a sign of extreme intimacy, and the fact that he's let down his guard probably means that he cares about you deeply and trusts you. We also love it when we catch our man staring at us with what can only be described as "tenderness." And when he pulls us close for a quick hug, or kisses the top of our heads, our hearts just melt.

4. Their scent. 

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Their body wash. Their aftershave. Their cologne. Their natural, musky fragrance. All of it combines to create a perfume we can't help wanting to envelop ourselves in. We wouldn't mind staying in their arms forever.

5. Their brains. 

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It's been scientifically proven that mens brains are different from the female ones. We're not sure if that's what makes them enjoy gaming, football and what not. Either way, their essential "maleness," and their appreciation for our "femaleness" makes us feel pretty special about being women—and that is awesome.

6. Their sense of humor.

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We love when they charm us with jokes, and the fact that they make us laugh at our shortcomings and not take ourselves too seriously. The way they can make us smile when we were crying our hearts out just a minute ago. They just know when to joke about something that we can't stop laughing about!

7. Their natural protectiveness. 

It makes us smile when they walk on the outside, nearest to the traffic, or extend a hand in order to help us up a steep incline or worry that we're going to get kidnapped. Because, even if we can totally protect ourselves, it's nice to feel taken care of. Also, when they get all possessive about us over other men - it's a turn on!

8. Their clothes. 

They have amazing sense of dressing that perfectly impresses us to the core. When we see our guy wearing that perfect pain of jean and tee, we feel all the love welling up to our hearts. And oh, when they wear that tux or suit, I swear my heart just pops out and does a somersault!

9. Their dependability. 

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Call it boring and predictable, but it's good to be with someone whose behaviour is  guided by logic and common sense rather than emotions(unlike us, women). While it can be infuriating when he manages to maintain a completely calm demeanour in the face of your most melodramatic of meltdowns ,it can also make you feel more secure.

10. Their undying passion for us.

 In a world that values appearance over so many other traits, it's nice to know that men desire us even when we're wearing decidedly unsexy pajamas, haven't shaved our legs in a week and have an emerging zit in the center of our foreheads. After all, they're not so perfect themselves, and we still love them.

11. Being a great listener.

Showing a woman that you’re a great listener is oh, so incredible. Remembering things that we mentioned we like is so cool. Whether it’s flowers, a book, chocolates or jewelry, if you surprise us with it, we feel really special!

12. Please us in the bedroom.
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When a man can make it happen for you, how elated are you? It’s so exciting it’s almost like winning a tournament. A man who wants to pleasure you, so you really enjoy yourself, well, now that’s how I define a good man. He gets an extra applause if it’s from something he doesn’t ordinarily like doing.
13. Cook for us.
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When a man knows his way around the kitchen and is capable and confident, it’s so cute. I’m a sucker for the look on his face when he means business with those vegetables. Cooking takes patience and shows us that you’re cherish-worthy.
 14. It’s okay to be dominating.
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Dominating us makes us sizzle in all the right places. Every woman wants a little Fifty Shades of Grey in her life. There’s a time and a place to make love, and there’s a time and a place to be more aggressive. When you know the difference, you make us swoon.

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