This College Condemns Girls To Not Close Doors Even When They Change Clothes And Other Horrendous Rules. Read More Below.

The Upasana College Of Nursing has been facing a blockade from it's students for four continuous dates now. The college which is owned by a wealthy billionaire businessman Ravi Pillai, has been shut down for over a week. The reason for the blockade is because of the college's Principal-Jessykutty.

“Girls in the hostel have been instructed not to lock their doors, even while changing clothes. The principal says we are closing rooms to secretly use mobile phones or because we are homosexuals. We have been told to just keep a chair near the door, but we can’t close it,” Veena V S a fourth-year student told TNM.

The college had been hurling racial slurs and caste based insults on students, particularly from the lower casts. But this rule put up on the girl students made them to open the fight to a newer front. The college has been implying rules way horrendous than the engineering colleges in Chennai. The penalty for the rules are usually fines and racial slurs thrown at the students and their parents, and the students say this is all because of their Prinicpal- Jessykutty.

“I have seen her doing this to one of my seniors who belongs to a Scheduled Caste. When we complain, she would say that the SC/ST students won’t need to face any consequence even if they protest, but students from general category would. She used to dissuade us from protesting,” said Midhun Madhu, a second-year student.

Worse happenings inside the college includes ban of cellphone inside the college. Hostelers would be allowed to use the common phones mostly once in a week or alternate days. The principal would even read out sections from student's personal diaries to hurt them emotionally. Continuous usage of library was also banned because the college accused students of using library to "only watch porn".

The hostelers who went on strike were suspended without enquiry. The strike has been on for four days, while the college itself has been shut for a week. A meeting between the students and the management was unable to end the deadlock. Even after continuous protests, the students are not confident if their voices would be heard.

“But we doubt our strike will ever get that much attention, considering who it belongs to,” one student said.

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