AIADMK Leader Claims Jayalalitha's Death Was Faked.

After the press meet which happened yesterday, a senior leader in the AIADMK party, P H Pandian said that Jayalalitha's dead has mysteries in it. Yes. She din't die of a natural disease infused death. She was allegadly pushed down which led to her demise. The above were the words of the leader.

Pandian on Tuesday demanded a probe on J Jayalalithaa’s death citing reports that there were heated arguments on the night of September 22, 2016, at her Poes Garden residence and she was pushed down by someone that led to her hospitalization.

In the wake of the events revolving around Sasikala who's going to be the new CM in a few more days, P H Pandian along with his son Manoj said to the media that the late CM was suffering from depression and had fears of poisoning too.

Pandian said the hospitalisation was to avoid any suspicion and demanded a probe on the chain of events before the hospitalisation.

“Apollo (hospital) can cite the privacy of patient to not reveal many details. What about the reported events at Poes Garden that night? How many people were there? How many relatives?,” asked Pandian, targeting Sasikala and her family.


AIADMK Spoekperson C R Saraswathy rather was against his words. She talked against the statement issued by Pandian that he was aiming to be a benefactor by trying to split the party into two. She also quoted that even when Jayalalitha was alive she would always hesitate to meet Pandian.

Pandian's son Manoj said that Sasikala has no right to remove or appoint anyone to the post of party general secretary as per the party constitution. “All proceedings led to her election as the General Secretary of the party was illegal,” he said.
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