Acham Enbathu Madamaiyada - A Movie Review

Much was expected from GV Menon and Simbu duo and that's were the film went wrong.
AYM which had too much expectations and which was expected to be Simbu's come back into the tamil film industry failed because of this very reason- 'It had too much expectations'

The film starts with a scene in Kolhapur,Maharashtra and if you don't get a gist in this sequence at the start you wouldn't understand the latter happenings in the film.

The film starts with a positive vibe, the typical GV Menon scenes. The subtle intros, the romantic aura, the not so offensive comedies and beautiful cast and screenplay gives a good feeling about the film. Simbu is portrayed as a carefree unemployed MBA graduate who prefers bikes to girls. Manjima Mohan is portrayed as the friend of Simbu's sister who eventually comes to live with Simbu's family for some time. They eventually get close and what happens between her and Simbu is what rolls on in the later part of the film. Something which would be too soft in the first half and too arrogant in the second half.

AR Rahman's music and background score was good. But the placement of the songs was way below par. The songs roll of one after the other in the first half and there's no songs or major background score in the second. This seems to create a void in the second half which eventually makes Simbu's action be seen as dogmatic and out of place with the film. 

Though Manjima Mohan is shown to be the main cause of all the happenings in the later part of the film, her role seems to be a dull one. One which should have given more importance. Her acting seemed below average in many scenes.

The sudden transition from a slow paced first half and an action packed second half was expected but lack of story telling leaves the audience in a more confused state in the second half. As audiences, we are forced to observe the scenes unraveling without understanding what was going on behind the scenes. The characters had no proper introduction till the climax happens but the damage has already been done. The climaxes and happenings were also predictable. Simbu takes the entire responsibility of guiding the film forward which din't work out well. The films was mostly centered around Simbu who was present in almost every scene in the film. The film lacked the luster of a good story line and the GV Menon aura. Too much expectations has led the film to a below par level which both Simbu and GV Menon should look into the future.

Though the absurd second half and kind of a different story line the film is watchable both halves due to good visuals and the fight sequences. 3/5 would be a good score to a hugely disappointed film. GV Menon and Simbu should look up to these things in the future.

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