13 Types Of Colleagues You Will Find At Work

You sometimes spend more time with them than your family and better halves. And while some might be your second best friends, some just drive you up the wall with their antics. There's a wide variety of colleagues to choose from! So, which of these have you already met or are currently working with?

1. The Star Stud.

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The  eye candy of the office, this person is the one that runs on a never ending supply of energy, luck and right answers! Everyone hates this person but cannot help admiring him/her secretly (or even fall in love with them).

2. The Know It All.

With her hand raised for any question asked by any superior of any office, they are unable to stop themselves from speaking before anyone else when asked for an idea or opinion. And the overenthusiastic contributor will raise their hand even when they don't really have anything to contribute!

3. The Gossip Monger.

This person spends more time at the coffee machine and water filter than at their desk. They know every relationship, romance, breakup, affair story there is to know. And they just can't wait to tell it to you.

4. The Lapdog.

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This guy has had the words ‘Yes Boss’ tattooed on his forearm and does not lose an opportunity to flaunt it to anyone who matter. He smokes cause his boss does, drinks cause his boss does and even coordinates his visit to the men’s room with the cause, just so it would give him those extra 5 minutes with him.

5. The New Hot Intern.

She is the reason why the attendance of men in office is consistently 100% for two months in the year. Side effects include, a sudden increase in the number of men taking up gym memberships or running marathons, decline in productivity and increase in the overall level of “Team Bonding Exercises”.

6. The Secretive Couple.

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Every office has that one budding love story that everyone else in the office knows about…except the couple themselves! They pretend nothing is going on and also seem to believe without a shred of doubt, that people around them are blind!

7. The Eat-o-Holic.

If you ever suffer from low blood sugar, you know exactly who has the fix! That person at the corner left desk who seems to be constantly eating! Where does all that food come from? They keep eating when ever yo see them!

8. The Wanna-be Entrepreneur.

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This person wants to quit their job RIGHT NOW coz he/she wants to start something of their own. The only problem is that this has been a dream in the making for at least the last 20 years.

9. The Cry Baby Cribber.

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This person has an issue with the A/C, the Cafeteria food, the long working hours, the pay, the boss, the boss’ spouse, the boss’ kids, his/her own family, health, the government, the bad roads, the universe, the big bang, everything. A 5 minute conversation with this person can depress the shit out of the rest of your day or turn you into the most grateful person for your own life!
10. The Friend Maker.

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You know those people who think everyone is their friend? And who smile too much and ask you too many questions and offer a shoulder where none is needed? Yup, exactly that person you are thinking about. They take people more seriously than work. And that is a good thing. But not when work suffers so much.

11. The Workaholic.

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Be it 7AM or 10 PM, you'll always find him/her in office. This breed never tires of hearing, "Did you even go home?"

12. The Excuser.

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This person just needs a reason to slack off work. The pen ran out of ink? Great! No work for the day!

13. The Bunking Pro

This colleague is always on leave. You keep wondering how they ever get their work done but deep down you're damn jealous of them!

And then, there's you. Who's perfect, amazing, smart, cool and basically the best employee your company can have. Who am i kidding?! :D

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