This Boy From Kerala Saved All Our Facebook Accounts From Hacking! In Return He Earned Rs7,00,000 From Zuckerburg


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This Kerala guy, Arun S Kumar, a 20-year old engineering student is next on the line to save Facebook for us from another bug that would have caused a major break out.

Arun from Kollam in Kerala reported a bug in Facebook which was capable of bringing down it. He identified a malfunction named Full Account Takeover, which allows anyone to access people's accounts. This can be done without their knowledge or approval.

He had identified this bug in March and immediately reported to Facebook. The authorities were a bit reluctant initially to accept the flaw. But after several intimations from Arun, they responded and fixed the problem.


It was during one of my usual searches that I found Probing further, I found that the domain is affected by a malfunction named Full Account Takeover, in which a hacker could easily trespass into any Facebook account without the knowledge or approval of the owner in less than 10 minutes" Arun said. 

Facebook awarded him a cash prize of 10000$, that is around 6.6 Lakhs, for identifying the bug that would brought a huge blow. Facebook has put his name in its Hall of Fame appreciating his efforts to make social networking secure.

Arun has identified a lot of bugs  before. This is not his first time. He has found variety of bugs in Google and Facebook as of now. His efforts are to be very much appreciated. Kudos to the young talent! 
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