Soon You Can Earn Money With Facebook Posts! Confused? Check Out To Know

Facebook, the social media giant is considering a new feature which would allow users to earn money from posts and would let them add a ‘tip-jar’.
A survey by an FB user, hinted at various ways through which money can be made by users or a cause can be promoted on the website, if they included ‘tip jar’ content. After this, they can take commission from the ad revenue that is earned by Facebook from the post.

Read on to get the idea cleared!

This survey also asked users for indicating interest in ‘call to action’ button, a way through which followers can make donations and create ‘sponsors marketplace’ for matching the users with advertisers, added the report.
However, it is not yet clear as to whether this feature would be rolled out to all users or only to verified ones. Currently, ads can be sold only by publishers, inside the feature of ‘Instant Articles’ and recently, Facebook clarified rules that allow posts that are sponsored by brands for sharing on verified pages.
Ads are being tested by Facebook, within suggestions which pop up after video is watched by users, sharing money with publishers.
A spokeswoman from Facebook stated “It is still very early, but we are committed to creating sustainable, long-term monetization models for our partners and we are listening to feedback,”
A similar revenue-sharing programme was launched by YouTube for selected users in the year 2007.

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