He Decided To Drink 1 Gallon Of Water For 30 Days: The Results Were Shocking!

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you drank 1 gallon of water every day for a month? One journalist from the “Thrillist” portal decided to conduct a weird experiment and see what would happen if he drank 1 gallon of water every day. One month later he documented his story and confessed that even though he expected changes he never in his wildest dreams expected how much it would affect his quality of life. This is his story.

Day 1: The party begins

Since I didn’t know how many glasses of water are in a gallon I decided to buy a one gallon plastic bottle and carry it around with me. Since the very first day I realized how hard it will be, 1 gallon of water is A LOT OF WATER. I was completely focused on achieving my daily quota that I couldn’t focus on anything else.

Day 5: I’m urinating every 20 minutes

Nothing is truer than the fact the human body really needs water since we are made of 60% water, but still drinking 1 gallon is something no one does. I drink water all the time, even when I’m not thirsty. I only feel constant fullness even though I eat less. I feel a constant need to urinate, I go to the toilet every 20 minutes. People have started thinking that I’m a drug addict because I go to the toilet all the time. Even when I go out I drink water along with every second drink I order and again I go to the toilet all the time.

Day 10: I became….beautiful?

I feel different, especially in the morning. I usually need a large cup of coffee to get me going but now I feel fresh and energized first thing in the morning. I feel so much better and I think I look better. Maybe it’s the placebo effect but my hair became shinier and my skin is glowing. I generally think I am a beautiful person but something is different. It’s still hard to carry on so much water with me but I have to endure. Even when I sleep I have a bottle of water besides me. I think people think I’m weird but my forearms are getting stronger, at least I think so.

Day 15: I’m full with energy

I definitely have more energy. I’ve almost completely eliminated coffee. This is a big change, because I used to drink up to 3 cups of coffee a day. When I go jogging at night, I feel that I’m a bit faster. I sleep better. I don’t even feel so hot when I go to bed. I even feel incredible thirst if I don’t drink water. It seems that my body adjusted to the new lifestyle. I feel that maybe I won’t be the same person as before.

Day 20: People are telling me that I look happier

The one thing that didn’t change since the beginning of the experiment is that I still go to the toilet all the time and my urine is crystal clear. My girlfriend noticed that my skin looks clearer and I feel that I have more energy. It sounds strange, but I really feel better. I don’t have a problem with drinking water anymore. I adapted to the amount and it became my norm.

Day 30: Free and clean

The last day of my challenge. I still run to the toilet and I’m constantly thirsty. I feel like an old man, but it doesn’t matter because I’m full of energy. Maybe it’s a bit too much to drink a gallon of water every day, but I definitely noticed that I haven’t been drinking enough water. I will continue drinking more water in the future now that I know how much it changed me.
You shouldn’t try this challenge at home but maybe you need to consider drinking more water. Find the amount that works best for you and stick to it, you’ll notice the first benefits after a week or so.
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