20 Things That Long Distance Relationship Teaches You!

20 Things that Long Distance Relationship teaches you!
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Long Distance Relationship is not an easy thing! The missing, longing and yearning is literally a tug of war with your heart every day. You just can't wait to kill the damn distance and get united with the love of your life! But if you're willing to beat that distance and time difference, then you're pretty serious about the relationship. Sometimes there's no stopping love :)

1. The missing..
You miss everything about them. Their smile, touch, voice, smell and just their physical presence next to you!

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2. Less but meaningful conversations..
Yes, the amount of phone calls reduces but as a result you'll have more important things to say that are meaningful and not just some silly talks.

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3. It gives you a secured feeling..
If you were able to hold onto each other despite this distance, you can be pretty sure that nothing else is going to break you guys apart!

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4. Your rescuer becomes Skype..
You'll start worshipping Skype for giving you the virtual bonding that their physical presence failed to do. and without it your life will be over!

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5. Timing's a bitch..
You find it hard to match your timings and have phone calls, and get really upset when one of are busy while the other is free.

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6. Proven scientifically good..
It's been proven that all the distance will just bring both you closer and makes the bond stronger!

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7. More and more surprises..
You'll want to always surprise your better half and will come up with innovative ideas to bring a smile on their face.

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8. You become jealous seeing other couples..
When you see two love birds holding hands or kissing, your heart just gets stabbed brutally and jealousy creeps in.

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9. Forget your sleep pattern..
It so happens that one of you'll be ahead of the other's time zone and you've to end up sacrificing your sleep to be on a call with them.

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10. No worries of being perfect always..
The girls don't have to worry if their hair is perfect or their hands are cleanly waxed and the guys don't have to crib about getting dressed or shaving.

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11. More time for yourself..
Yeah we do miss each other, but you'll discover that you have a lot of time to do things for yourself and discover stuff that you never knew before!

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12. Planning holidays..
Most of our free times go in planning about the holidays and checking for cheaper flight/bus tickets and imagining our time together.

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13. Never get tired of each other..
Unlike normal couples, you'll never feel that your love is fading away. You meet them after a long time fall in love all over once again!

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14.Spend a lot of money..
You have to save a portion of your money for all the phone calls you make and travelling tickets to be booked.

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15. Constant messaging..
Your day starts with a 'Good morning' text and ends with 'Good night'.

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16. Sending pictures become a habit..
You start sending pictures for everything. When you wear a new dress, getting a wound, want to select something during shopping and what not!

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17. Reminiscing old times..
When you cross your fav cafe, listen to your fav song, want to watch a movie or end up at a party where only you're without your partner, you start cursing the bloody long distance with all kinda abuses!

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18. The thrill of meeting after so long..
The adrenaline rush you get when you're about to meet your partner after ages. And start day dreaming and smiling like an idiot in public!

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19. And when they finally visit..
Nothing beats this feeling. You get excited to get ready, plan things to do together and oh-kissing and cuddling of course! Phew..finally!

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20.The pain of departing again..
And when the day comes to bid goodbye again, you can literally feel your heart dying a slow death and getting sucked out. Sleepless nights and constant crying follows.

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Long distance can be very challenging but that's exactly what makes you to prove that your love is the best and strongest! And when you do, hold onto it and live happily ever after!!

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