Chennai Memes shuts down Child Abuse page and the owner arrested

We are happy to announce that , a page which was misusing minor girls pic for obscenities has been shut down and the creator has been arrested based on the complaint we filed and the evidences we provided. 

We are following up to tackle many such pages, but we need your help as well. Here's what you need to do to take the pages misusing the pics

Step 1: If u come across any page that is misusing pics, take a screenshot and save the links

Step 2: Go to CBCID department at the new commissioner office.Write a complaint stating the problem.They need 1 original and 2 sets of photocopy.They will take the original from you. Yo can also compalin through email :

Here is the address
#132,EVK Sampath Salai,
Poonamalli Highroad 
Vepery, Chennai, 
Tamil Nadu 600007 
Phone:044 2345 2203

Step 3 : You need to wait for few days.The inspesctor will call and interrogate and collect the information

Step 4 : The page owner and those who comment there will be arrested

Our initiative is just a baby step in eliminating such misuse of pics and obscenities in social media. Please follow the above steps if you come across such pages. 

-Team Chennai Memes

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