These questions will make you feel DUMB & STUPID if you are against *BEEP SONG*

This whole Simbu controversy is so exaggerated and totally blown out of proportion. 

Simbu as I know him has always been all heart, a no nonsense person. When I first moved to India and was in the transition phase he stood by me, helped me, believed in me and encouraged me. There were times I would wonder would he acknowledge me or greet me. Without any malice or prejudice he would. Public events too he made no bones. He was a sensitive, respectful and decent human being. Success made lots of people be nice to me. He was there even before the world knew me for my work.

One of the few people from the film industry who has shown true strength of character and conviction.

This whole Beep nonsense begs a few questions

1: is it not offensive when everyday conversations between people involve terrible language. Often words like choo***** and in Tamil Pu*** are used

2: is it not offensive when films glorify wet Saree scenes and cleavage revealing costumes with lyrics to match the mood

3: when a person makes a song at home when jamming at home and some insensitive person releases it, how does it make the creator a criminal. He didn't intend for you to even listen to it.

4: if his views about women were regressive would he have had the women he had and continue to be friends with most of his exes? FACT

5: if there needs to be action taken, it should be against all these unnecessary trouble makers who are bringing more attention to the song, which didn't have as much reach. After all promoting and publicizing a song is as bad as making it.

6: as a young woman who is aware of the film industry dynamics and political overtures I can safely say the government or the CM as is being alleged have no time for this issue when ther is mass destruction and relief that has to be dealt with. There is far more to it than meets the eye.

7: as young people in this democracy can we please stand up for an individual's right to create but not offend. And if it is offensive anyway it's beeped. Honestly how many of you have actually said the word when explaining it to people. He had atleast beeped it.

8: it's sad to see a good actor with so much talent being unnecessarily bogged down by meaningless controversy.

9: if your modesty (women's rights groups) is outraged, go lobby against nirbhayas verdict, stand up for the many stranded girls at orphanages and care homes after the floods. Invest in sanitary napkins for the needy and donate. Stop roadside Romeos from lining up outside colleges and schools each day.

10: lastly, his crime was to jam inside his house with a bunch of pals who probably chipped in. But as they all lead their normal lives he is left alone with actually no support.

I wish we show more sensitivity. - APSARA REDDY

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