'Amma's party members atrocity: Creates uproar among the youngsters and flood relief volunteers.

The volunteers are working tirelessly and the government officials are working continuously for past one week,but some members of the ruling party are forcing the relief volunteers and government officials to stick their "amma" stickers. It is not directed by the party head. But some of senior members are directly involved in sticking the stickers.

Most of the relief material carrying lorry before entering chennai was like this -
But after entering Chennai,most of the relief materials and the lorries are having these "new government logos" -

It created uproar among the people who tirelessly worked and provided crores of money and tonnes of relief materials.

Those party carders even tried to stick on the army vehicles,but they got "gummu gummunu gummified" by our soldiers

They even went on to create a poster showing CM jayalalitha as "sivagami" and chennai people as "kid bahubali"

They had "special" centers for supplying the stickers. 

The government officials where forced to stick pictures on government relief vehicles.

The MTC officials who are members of the ruling party,showed their patriotism over amma by sticking pictures on free buses.

Don't be surprised,if your milk packets and free milk powders(which will be given tomo) are having amma logos.

The government officials have obviously forgot this logo and replaced it with 'amma' logo.

With the election around,they obviously thought of stealing the victory and gaining the moral among the public,but it backfired among the public. Most of the people are thinking that the government officials(read 'officials from the ruling party') are trying to show the media that 'amma's government is the sole relief provider.

This issue has created a long debate among the tamizh nadu youngsters about the next state election(2016). Most of the youths are debating about bringing a new transparent,energetic government,throwing out the current parties out of the contest.

The debate look ambitious and imaginary. But if the debate materializes...the future of tamizh nadu might change permanently.

- The above article is written with the inputs from the media and the view of the people.

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