11 things that happen when you travel in Chennai Autos

These are the men in khaki suits with their standard yellow three wheel“Kawasaki ninja” that we see every day ,who take us from one place to another around Chennai...and it comes with certain quirky things that are bound to happen when you ride with them !

10) Meter podu ya
The auto drivers always seem to have a certain short term memory loss, a selective amnesia, of sorts, when you get into auto. They seem to forget to switch on the meter. And when you do ask him to switch it on “Sorry sir.. ON pana maranthuten”, usually followed by a terrific yellow teeth smile.

11 things that happen when you travel in Chennai Autos

9) Short is long
The distance to your destination might be shorter, but accidently-on-purpose he
takes you on a long ride to extract a large fare ...and that’s when exactly you
start thinking ....”Theva illama sutha vidrano???.!”

11 things that happen when you travel in Chennai Autos

8) Fast and fassssssssssssssst....
If you think Vijay Amirthraj was awesome with an auto in Octopussy(James Bond movie)
then you thought wrong. Chennai Auto Drivers execute turns with surgical
precision and gives an adrenaline rush to both the person inside and outside the
auto....”yepidi....Suma parakudhu la!!!! “

11 things that happen when you travel in Chennai Autos

7) Tips please
 When you get down from auto, sir oru pathu ruba meter mella potu
thanga....come on guys ...he got you there on time ..(and in one piece!!!)

6) Freeeee ride (I think !!!)
 Every auto has some message at the back like "pennin vayathu 18,prasavathuku
ilavasam" (but I'm not sure, he would help for free....and which one is free..??)...

 5) M.Sc. --- Master of Swearing in chennai bashai
The best person to learn all bad words of madras bashai. You will experience all
the words which you didn’t even know existed. A cacophony of creative
expletives!!! Saavu graaki! ....and when I say he is the best..  He. Is. The. Best.
(from experience)

4) Never is the bargain ya

It is an “ezhuthapadaatha aythigam”-don't bargain with stand autos,go with
running autos......because he is on running auto....and in a hurry to go
back.....and so are you.

3) Film-star crazy
They always are crazy about some film star..be it the vijay,ajith kamal.....you
have the picture on the front or back of the auto...Even the superstar knows the
power of auto. That's why he acted as "manikam Anna"

2) Our very own local news anchor
The best part of auto journey is talking about the local things happening in
Chennai,he knows everything about Chennai!!!..should listen to their stand on
debates like the construction of the roads.. or their point of view in politics
..(adathe cm vijaykanth da pa !!!)

1) Human GPS
Lastly,these best souls are GPS men(and women) of Chennai,knows nook and
corner of Chennai. Name it, and they will find the route.They are the real face
of Chennai. Our very own instant guide of Chennai.  “Anna, mogappair west
epdipoganum ?” And he gives you the accurate detail. Even GPS would fail!

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